Gymnastics is a sport that exercises your mind and body. Not only does gymnastics help develop physical skills like body control, flexibility, and strength, it also helps to develop cognitive abilities and social cues. There are benefits to practicing the sport in all walks of life. In this blog, we walk through the benefit of Gymnastics at each stage of life.

Most major gymnasts start their gymnastics career as early as 2 years old!

  • Increases strength and balance

    • Starting at a young age, tots will be able to develop their body by using all muscle groups, allowing for them to become fit, this will provide a strong base for their body throughout all the sports they will participate in as a child.

  • Builds body awareness and hand, eye, and foot coordination

    • Tots will establish balance, flexibility, muscle memory, body position, and beginner tumbling.

  • Learn how to follow directions

    • Simple directions like touching your toes, or following an obstacle course will help young tots learn how to listen and follow directions.

  • Improve self-confidence

    • When a tot is able to accomplish something like walking across a beam or doing a forward roll, it helps them to build their self-confidence.

  • Provides a great base for other sports

    • Gymnastics is one of the best sports to pair with other sports to produce the best performing athletes.

  • Promotes cognitive development

    • Tots will be able to learn different skills, understand how to do them, and then practice them, in doing so they are actively developing their brains.

  • Develops Social Awareness and Emotional Skills

    • Gymnastics allows for tots to be in a different and fun environment with different people, learn how to relate with others, be aware of others’ feelings, and be proud of the things they accomplish.

Similar to tots, there are a lot of strength and cognitive developments formed by starting gymnastics at a young age.

  • Increase strength, coordination, and flexibility

    • By practicing gymnastics on a regular basis, the repetitive practice will allow children to build muscle strength. Gymnastics is a sport that utilizes all muscle groups.

  • Learn healthy sportsmanship and social skills

    • At this age, children are working more closely with one another and will be able to celebrate the accomplishments of their peers.

  • Develop confidence, self-esteem, and a positive body image

    • When a child practices a skill, and accomplishes what they had been working on, even if it is a small skill like walking across the beam by themselves, it is a great way for them to grow their confidence and self-esteem.

  • Improve mental health

    • Gymnastics is a fun sport that gets children active, challenges them, and celebrates accomplishments. Coaches will work with the children to help them feel good about the work the children are doing, and the challenges they are overcoming.

  • Frame a goal setting and growth mindset

    • Gymnastics is all about setting a goal and working towards that. Preschoolers will be able to set their own personal goals to work towards in class!

  • Allows for the student to be happy doing an activity that is fun!

    • The most important benefit of gymnastics is that it is fun and that it allows for a child to do something they really enjoy. The goal is always for a child to look forward to coming to gymnastics, and leave with a smile on their face!

As school-age students, children are able to work more in-depth on skills and further develop confidence, cognitive ability, strength, technique, and social skills. It also helps them to develop their character.

  • Practice safety and body awareness

    • A big part of gymnastics is learning how to keep your body safe, school-age children are able to learn proper techniques so that they do not get hurt. They also practice exercises and stretches that properly train their bodies to prevent injuries.

  • Cognitive benefits

    • There is a lot of correlation of a child that engages in physical activity to academic achievements. Studies show that physical activity helps to improve healthy brain function in children. In gymnastics, children learn about a skill, their body, and how to practice to achieve a skill, doing something in a goal-setting mindset will positively help develop a child’s brain.

  • Reduced risky behavior

    • Gymnastics is a safe place for children to practice an activity they love. Studies show that when young people are consistently involved in a physical activity they are less likely to engage in risky behaviors.

  • Consistent schedule

    • As a school-age child, after-school activities help establish a routine and schedule. 

  • Mental Health

    • Doing sports like gymnastics helps to increase confidence in athletes and decrease feelings of anxiety and depression.

  • Builds Character

    • Gymnastics is a great way to build a child’s character, from being respectful to their coaches and peers to learning self-responsibility. When practicing, children strive to be their very best in the gym which translates into their day-to-day lives.

Improve Flexibility

  • Developing a better range of motion, the flexibility work will help prevent injuries.

  • Lower risk of disease

    • Taking part in gymnastics as an adult is a great full-body workout that will promote a greater immune system, and lower the risk of cancer, asthma, cardiac disease, diabetes, and obesity.

  • Strengthens bones

    • The weight-bearing nature of the sport helps the body maintain bone mass. This will help to avoid osteoporosis later on.

  • Great workout and improves self-image

    • Gymnastics is a fun activity that helps meet physical exercise needs while building positive self-esteem from the constant encouragement of coaches and peers! It also allows the body to produce more endorphins which will ultimately make you feel happier!

  • Develop Discipline

    • Gymnastics helps to practice healthy habits, you are doing something challenging and push yourself far beyond what you thought was capable. This helps to translate into your day-to-day life when you want to form healthy habits at home!

  • Have fun and meet new people!

    • With so much going on as an adult it is hard to take time to have fun and enjoy something for yourself. Do something fun that makes you feel good, and meet new friends along the way!

Gym Skills focuses on creating a healthier future for all gymnasts. Through our mission - “Get Active. Be Healthy.” we want the gym to be a safe space for athletes of every age to grow their body and mind. We offer classes for all age groups where incorporate activities to grow both the body and mind in all of our programming!








